Sunday, 25 September 2011

Vq Update : Still going....

Well, it's been quite a while since the last update and unfortunately it seems like not much has happened in the last two months...

I have been playing with the car, but not allot of time spent turning spanners. Have been doing allot of research online, to try and find out the best things that will work for my setup. Most of the engine bay wiring has been removed, along with the dash so the car is looking quite sad.

One of the main issues was the intake manifold. The Y34 neo engine has top feed injectors and the intake manifold won't accept the side feed rails as the mounts are different. I have since acquired most of an intake setup from a y33 with the side feed injector rails etc.

Test fitting fail - I had a vq30de Maxima intake manifold sent over from QLD. I was hoping it would bolt in and sit low enabling me to close the bonnet without it fouling. It turns out, with very little work it would bolt in, but it crossed over the passenger side cam cover, not the driver's side one as expected. On the A32 Maxima this manifold will cross over the 'driver' side but on the turbo intake manifold its goes over to the 'passenger' side.  The runners are low, but also being quite long it is not desirable for the turbo setup.

I have decided to use a Falcon XF throttle body, this is a really simple design. This has a reverse throttle linkage and 65mm butterfly, so it will suit the VQ setup nicely.
The intake manifold has been mocked up and it is with the fabricator (along with a few other things). This has been shaved so it is shorter, and the throttle position moved to the driver's side.

The cam cover with the oil filler has been modified, so the oil filler neck is much shorter, as it was so very close to the bonnet.

Once the car is close to running I will be having all the covers cleaned and painted up.

I have also decided to mount the intercooler inside the radiator support panel, so it will have much sorter pipe work. As the Vq is quite short, there is plenty of room to space the radiator away from the intercooler and still run the clutch fan. I have been doing a mock-up with a s13 radiator and a z32 radiator, but will most likely end up using a modified r32 ally radiator.

I'll leave the update here for the moment, but hopefully I'll be getting a shinny intake manifold shortly, so ill post an update then..

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